New York based Fashion & Beauty Photographer | Film Director


An American-born photographer to immigrant parents, Jeff An had an upbringing where the emphasis was on academic accomplishments and excellence in music and sports. Though he had always appreciated art in the form of music, films, and paintings, he never seriously considered creating art as a career path. Jeff attended and graduated from the University of Chicago with a B.A. in Economics and Public Policy, and moved to New York City to work on Wall Street. 

However, as a young man with larger-than-life aspirations living in a vibrant city, Jeff craved for a more dynamic and artistic medium through which to express his imagination and creative ideas. While working as an advertising Account Executive in Seoul and New York City, Jeff thrived personally and professionally being in a more fluid, organic environment. Yet, as he worked closely with Creative Directors on various projects for large clients, Jeff recognized his need to cross over to the creative side. Being a visual person himself, he not only desired to be more involved in the creative development, but he wanted to be the spark in conceptualizing and executing an idea and the visual artwork.

In 2009, Jeff enrolled in Brooks Institute in Santa Barbara, California. There he honed his technical and lighting skills, the foundation necessary to produce the type of beautiful, emotive images that define Jeff’s work today. Always remembering his journey from investment banker to artist, he never forgets what brought him here: the desire to convey his aesthetics through photography. His underlying inspiration is to elicit moments where a timeless elegance, allure and sensuality all come together, depicting a beautiful fantasy.

Currently, Jeff lives in New York City and just finished a beauty project with 5 IMG models called Real Love. This is his first major exhibition, from September 9, 2015 to September 25, 2015 at 555 W. 25th Street, New York, NY 10001.